Replacing & restoring

Our sustainability story

Fluff Stuff was founded on the discovery of replenishing potential in the farming of our raw materials. We believe fashion and textiles should go beyond sustainability, and that’s why we are developing a textile filling with regenerative possibilities. Regenerative for us means a way of producing goods so that the process repairs, rather than maintaining the status quo.

Enter paludiculture

With our selected source material, water-loving cattail plants, regenerative production is possible by cultivating the plants on rewetted peatlands. Drained peatlands are globally and locally significant sources of CO2 emissions, but rewetting turns them into carbon sinks. Cattail plants require a watery area to thrive, so paludiculture is a win-win for climate and softer textile production.

Read more on peatland’s potential as a climate solution (LUKE)

Collaboration & science-based targets

We collaborate with the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) and third-party actors to base our product and supply chain development on a scientifically sound and quantifiably base. We are in the process of conducting LCA on our operations.